Monday, July 20, 2009

Drake's One Month Photos!

We took our family photos and Drake's one month photos. They turned out so good! He looks absolutely adorable! It feels so good to have a real "family" photo now. :-) Drake was a bit (ok, a lot!) fussy because he woke up hungry and it was super hot, but we luckily got some amazing photos. What a miracle that was! And I don't think there is ANY question who he looks like. Maybe our next child will look like me, because he sure doesn't! But that's ok...he's handsome like his daddy.


katie said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! What beautiful pictures of the cutest little family. You all look so happy. Your little guy looks exactly like his Daddy. Oh, Mandy I am sooooo happy for you. CS asks me everyday if there is new pictures of Drake yet on your blog--She will be so excited to see them. Hey we need your address...Could you e-mail me your address.

Love ya, Miss ya

Brandon & Amber said...

Those pictures are just adorable!! It makes me want to have a little baby boy! You are such a cute family.

Scott and Jamie said...

Oh my goodness! what a cute little family you are! He is so cute... and don't feel bad that he doesn't look like you (both my babies look more like Scott than myself) but maybe he'll take on your great personality traits. Miss you and hope all is going well.

heatherann said...

What a beautiful family!!!