Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Meet the baby!

Hello baby! We had our first OB appointment on 11/13/08 with Dr. Bryan Hodges at St. Lukes. This is the first ultrasound of the baby and I was 8 weeks 5 days along. The heartbeat was 182 (which is good) and the baby was 2 cm long! I can't wait to post more pictures as we get them!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween 2008

Everyone gathered to prove their carving skills
You can see Nick's choice of tool...

Logan and Taylor got cozy for the camera

And Orin approched carving double-fisted!

Jess and the kids made beautiful pumpkins!

And we dedcided to do family photos

And that's how it all began...

We started out a little goofy,

And then paused for a group photo.

And then Eric almost died...

Somehow they managed to pick me up- baby pumpkin and all!

And then Eric had to show off his muscles.

And somehow Adam mistook my yard for a "mosh pit". Somehow
we all ended up surviving and had a wonderful night!